When My Sweetheart and I look out upon
the glories of God's creation in nature from our quiet, peaceful mountain valley home, we wonder
how could there be so much hatred and evil in the world ! But, we can not escape the fact, that evil men and women,
of all races, creeds, and colors, are determined to subject the peoples of this planet into slavery, exterminate many
in the process of gaining power, and set up a Roman Catholic New World Order, where
you must :
They did it for over 1260 years, and they
are doing it now ! You have heard & seen John Paul ii & cardinals, bishops & priests confess to the
terrible torture, rape & murder committed by the Catholic Church for over 1260 years, and they haven't stopped.
At this very moment, people, in all nations, are being tortured, raped, murdered, simply because they will not
bow down and worship The Catholic Pope !
Who is this man ? He claims
to be, a "god" ! Do you believe
him ? Millions bow down to him
and worship him as "god" !
But he is just a man who Satan
has placed at the head of his
Roman Catholic Church ! He is
the "beast" of Scripture Prophecy
and will soon perish with his
"master", the Devil, in the fires
of the end of this world !