And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him
like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall
overflow and pass over. Daniel 12:40

With horrible, devastating, terror, THE KING OF THE SOUTH struck 'THE EVIL EMPIRE" - AMERICA ! The prophecy said,
"The King of The South shall push at him" and that he did toppling the WTC towers and more besides. Now
the great "War on Terrorism" is devastating the nation of Afghanistan !

THE KING OF THE NORTH shall come against the KING OF THE SOUTH with "many ships" ................


Two of God's great prophets saw in vision weapons of war that did not exist in their time and were an astonishment to
them as they beheld the great conflicts of the "END OF THE AGE" ! How else could they describe them ,
but in the language of their time !

Wonderful indeed is the Word of the Creator of heaven and Earth ! almost all of the prophecies found in the Bible have
now been fulfilled. Many are happening right before our eyes as the "War on Terrorism" intensifies ! Daniel
saw it all , 2500 years before it happened. We have the awesome privilege of being in the very last moments of the
events so vividly described in the books of Daniel and Revelation ! Friend, You are there ! All the WORLD is there,
actors on the great stage of the world theater, ONLY THIS IS FOR REAL !