Who is Malachi Martin talking about that wants to bring the whole world into slavery ? Malachi Martin , now deceased, was
a Jeusit Priest of the Roman Catholic Church and a "Vatican Insider" ! In his book , published in 1990, he describes
how the Roman Catholic Church has been working for many years to gain control of the world, but it is the present Pope,
John Paul II, who is determined to bring that goal to a speedy conclusion ! Yes ! John Paul II is the man who aspires to
be the "priest -king" of a "Papal New World Order" ! Will he succeed ? He is making what appears to
be speedy progress ! Almost every nation and church send representatives to the Vatican ! "All the world wonders after
the beast" ! John Paul II , the Antichrist ! The "Beast" described in Daniel and the Revelation ! Of course
John Paul II is the head of the Roman Catholic Church which in total is the agent of Satan and the Antichrist of these very
last days just before the return of Christ !