Manuscript Releases Volume Twelve PG- 145 When God's people search the Scriptures with a desire to
know what is truth, Jesus is present in the person of His representative, the Holy Spirit, reviving the hearts of
the humble and contrite ones. (John 15:23, 10-11 quoted.)--Ms. 158, 1898.
Have we humbled ourselves before God, that the Holy Spirit may work through us with transforming power? As children of
God, it is our privilege to be worked by his Spirit. When self is crucified, the Holy Spirit takes the broken hearted
ones, and makes them vessels unto honor. They are in his hands as clay in the hands of the potter.
The Southern Review, December 5, 1899
Reflecting Christ The Holy Spirit, Representative of Christ PG- 129 The promise of the Comforter
presented a rich truth to them. It assured them that they should not lose their faith under the most trying circumstances.
The Holy Spirit, sent in the name of Christ, was to teach them all things, and bring all things to their remembrance.
The Holy Spirit was to be the representative of Christ, the Advocate who is constantly pleading for the fallen race.
He pleads that spiritual power may be given to them, that by the power of One mightier than all the enemies of God
and man, they may be able to overcome their spiritual foes.